Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)’s Timeline and Summary

Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)’s Timeline and Summary

  • The three adventurers are tracking the uruk-hai (who are carrying Merry and Pippin back to Isengard).
  • They meet Éomer who tells them they killed a company of orcs.
  • Upon searching the remains, Aragorn realizes the hobbits made their way into Fangorn Forest. Reluctantly, they follow.
  • In Fangorn they meet Gandalf who they initially try to attack, mistaking him for Saruman.
  • Gandalf ensures them of Merry and Pippin's safety, and they follow him to Rohan to help overthrow Saruman's control of King Théoden.
  • This being accomplished, they follow the people of Edoras to Helm's Deep, where Théoden hopes to defend against Saruman's army.
  • They defend against the warg riders who attack the Rohirrim as they travel towards the fortress. The battle is won but many are lost, including Aragorn who falls off a cliff into a river.
  • Aragorn is found by a horse and carried back toward Rohan, where Legolas and Gimli are helping make preparations for the defense.
  • Aragorn joins in the preparations and greets the Rivendell elves when they arrive.
  • Together, they defend against the invading orc army, performing many heroic feats in combat.
  • But, despite their best efforts, the outer wall falls and Helm's Deep is all but lost.
  • Aragorn inspires Théoden to ride out one last time. Gimli and Legolas aren't far behind.
  • As they ride they see Gandalf and Éomer upon the hill; the day is won.