Dave Kujan (Chazz Palminteri)’s Timeline and Summary

Dave Kujan (Chazz Palminteri)’s Timeline and Summary

  • We first see Kujan depicted in Verbal's court testimony, when Kujan rousts Keaton out of a dinner-business meeting and hauls him into the police lineup.
  • Outside Verbal's story, we encounter Kujan again when he arrives to interrogate Verbal at the police station. He forces Verbal to tell him the story from the beginning, threatening to tell his connections on the streets of New York to go after Verbal despite his immunity.
  • Kujan objects to Verbal's depiction of Keaton—he says the Keaton he knew was an unrepentant killer who murdered witnesses who tried to testify against him.
  • Verbal keeps telling the story, but the other dock massacre survivor, Arkosh Kovash, reveals that Keyser Söze was involved in the crime, killing people at the dock. Agent Jack Baer relays this to Kujan, who confronts Verbal about it.
  • Verbal tells the story about Söze, and how he manipulated their gang. He ends with Söze blasting Keaton on the boat.
  • Kujan argues that Keaton really was the criminal mastermind who led them into it, and that Verbal didn't really see him die. Verbal tearfully admits that Keaton was the mastermind, and, yeah, he might not have seen him die.
  • Satisfied, Kujan sits in the office as Verbal leaves. But Kujan realizes that Verbal concocted elements of his story from the office's bulletin board—like the name of the gang's L.A. connection, Redfoot.
  • Kujan runs outside, but it's too late: Verbal—the real Keyser Söze—has already vanished.