The Usual Suspects Scene 2 Summary

  • The guy telling this story in a California court turns out to be one of these criminals. He continues his story: back in New York, he limps his way into a police lineup. Ooh. Looks like this guy has a permanent limp and a disabled arm.
  • The cops make each one of them say the same threatening thing the criminal who hijacked the truck said. Some intense-yet-hilarious f-bombs are dropped.
  • As the cops interrogate them, the criminals are introduced by name in the voiceover—McManus, Fenster, Hockney, and Keaton. None of them cooperate with the cops or confess.
  • They're all put in a holding cell together, where Fenster worries about whether he'll be charged, and Hockney says that Keaton's gone straight (stopped being a criminal) because he married a lawyer.
  • They want to know who the fifth guy in the cell with them is—the guy who's actually narrating this story.
  • Keaton explains that he's nicknamed "Verbal" and his last name's Kint. Verbal says the nickname is supposed to mean that he talks too much.
  • McManus says he and Fenster have heard about a job (some kind of criminal opportunity), and is wondering if the other guys are interested. They are, except for Keaton, who says he wants nothing to do with any of them.
  • On the voiceover, Verbal says he realized these guys were hardcore—they wouldn't snitch, and seemed good to do business with.