The Waves Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


There's a decent amount of lusting going on among the characters, for sure: Neville sweats out his unrequited love for Percival for a good long while, Rhoda and Louis have an affair, and the sensuous Jinny seems to take a large number of lovers.

However, Woolf isn't one to be super-explicit about sex. Sexytimes for the characters are implied, but the most explicit sex act that takes place "onscreen" is the unwelcome kiss Jinny plants on Louis when they are kids. So, even though there are a lot of fogged-up windows happening offstage (especially in Louis' attic with Rhoda… oooh la la) we have to give this one a PG rating.

Also, of course, because we think parental guidance is necessary in order to navigate Woolf's permafrost-thick prose. No small fry allowed.