Things Not Seen Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'm a rotten liar, even when people can't see my face. And besides, why should I have to lie? So I take a deep breath and say, "Yes I have. I met a girl, a blind girl. And she knows about everything, but it's okay. She's not going to tell anyone, and like she said to me, no one would believe her if she did." (13.10)

Bobby needs friends, and he refuses to lie to his mom about the new one he's made, even though he knows it will upset her. After all, his parents can't just tell him to lie to everyone and expect him to follow their instructions without question. He does have free will.

Quote #5

So the school nurse calls the Monday after my mom gets home from the hospital. Mom tells her I've still got the flu. The nurse has heard about the car accident, that Mom and Dad were in the hospital. Mom tells her that Aunt Ethel was here to take care of me. The nurse is glad I'm doing much better now—how much longer will he be missing class? Another week? Fine. (14.28)

Bobby's mom plays it cool when the school starts calling and asking when he'll be back in class. It turns out that she can be a pretty good liar, especially when her son's future is in danger.

Quote #6

"Not at all. It's so cold and damp this time of the year in Chicago. What with his illness and the accident and all, Mr. Phillips and I decided that some time away would be good for Bobby. He left Thursday to stay with a relative in Florida for a month or so." (15.18)

Whoa, this story is spinning out of control. Now the Phillips family isn't just lying about Bobby staying home from school—they've invented a whole reason for him to be out of the state.