Things Not Seen Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Looking at their faces, I know I'm not going to let them get arrested and dragged off to jail. That's not going to happen, no matter what. Not to my mom and dad. (16.52)

Bobby's parents may be willing to go to jail in order to keep him safe, but Bobby's just as willing to go to a research facility in order to keep them safe. It's like they're all living out some kind of O. Henry short story.

Quote #5

"… Like your mom and dad? They would go to the jail just to keep you safe. You have people who care about you and want to protect you."

"People like you?" That stops her.

"… Well… yeah." (17.34-36)

Alicia is always sarcastic and abrasive, but at the end of the day, she really does care about Bobby. In fact, she has come to love him enough to break into a major corporation's headquarters with him. If that's not proof of love, we don't know what is.

Quote #6

Silence. Then she says, "What if you don't come back? Like something happens to you?" I like the way she says that, the tone of her voice. But I keep being the warrior. (19.59)

Aw, isn't it cute how Alicia gets all worried about Bobby even though she's typically kind of brusque and sarcastic with him? Underneath that hard exterior, she really does care about him.