Things Not Seen Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

As I get ready for bed, and then turn off the lights and pull up the feather quilt, I'm not thinking about my electric blanket and how much I miss it. I'm not thinking about Sheila Borden, or about her dad—call number fifty-nine.

I'm thinking about call number sixty, my call to Alicia. (22.123-124)

Bobby's got some odd priorities: Instead of thinking about how there might be another invisible person out there, he falls asleep thinking about chatting with Alicia on the phone. That's what young love does to you.

Quote #8

Mom won't let go of my hand. We're downstairs on the couch in the living room, and she keeps reaching over to push my hair up off my forehead. My hair's a lot longer than it was a month ago. And she keeps tilting her head and smiling this goofy smile at me. I feel like her eyes are devouring my face. (27.33)

If Bobby ever had any doubts about his parents' love for him, this experience should completely banish them. It's obvious that his mom and dad would do anything for him, and that he's the most important thing in their lives.

Quote #9

You almost kissed me today. I felt you. So close. But it would have killed me. Because I don't know if you can see that. I can't see us. I can see us, but I still need to see me. And I feel like you see me. Do you? You do. You almost kissed me. So close. With you it's not kid stuff. (28.105)

Alicia didn't slam the door in Bobby's face because she was mad at him; she did it to protect her own emotions. Her feelings for him are so strong that she's scared of falling in deeper.