Things Not Seen Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I burst into the stairwell, and I feel like I'm flying, running up the stairs two at a time. It's like this body I can't see weighs nothing. (9.26)

Cue the superhero theme music—this is totally Bobby's "new powers" montage. Even though he's worried about his new condition, Bobby can't help but have fun with it. After all, it's not every day you get to run around stark naked without drawing attention to yourself.

Quote #5

And now there's a new look on her face. New for Alicia. But I've seen it before. On Mom's and Dad's faces that first morning. It's the look of someone who's trying to process impossible information. (11.52)

Once Bobby reveals the truth to Alicia, she cannot help but see him differently. Her idea of him as just another normal kid is completely gone; now she knows that he's just as messed up as she is.

Quote #6

"… But in the morning… the morning was horrible. I knew I was awake, but it was like I was still asleep, or like I was lost inside this big dark… thing. But I knew I was home, in my own room. I could still hear the birds on the feeder outside, and I could feel the sun on my face at the window, feel the cold glass on my fingertips, but… I couldn't see anything." (13.40)

Despite the fact that they have very different conditions, and that Alicia has a medical diagnosis, those first few moments when Alicia and Bobby wake up alone to find that they're totally changed are eerily similar. Maybe that's why they get along so well.