Things Not Seen Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Because if my condition did have anything to do with a bad electric blanket, there must be a lot of other people who bought the same electric blanket. Probably thousands. (19.2)

What if there were a bunch of invisible people out there, moving through the streets and watching us while we go about our daily lives, none the wiser? That would be like the premise of a creepy horror movie.

Quote #8

News flash: Invisible people make excellent spies and thieves.

Finding exactly what I want at the legal department is ridiculously easy.

Access through the security doors? A snap: I wait for a slow moving person of considerable size and slide through the doorway right behind his behind. (21.1-3)

Well, there's one good thing about being invisible: Bobby has a way easier time breaking into a major corporation's legal department than the average Joe would. In fact, it's a piece of cake.

Quote #9

So I say," If you don't mind, Mrs. Van Dorn, I don't think it's my place to get between one of my friends and her parents." Nice—no, better than nice—brilliant. And it hits me: Three weeks ago, I couldn't have even thought that, much less said it to somebody like Alicia's mom. (22.73)

Being invisible hasn't just changed Bobby's appearance; it's given him a real back bone, too. Now he's able to be firm about his decisions and talk back to adults without getting scared.