Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Squire Allworthy

Squire Allworthy is definitely Tom's mentor—his Obi-wan Kenobi, his Haymitch Abernathy (if Haymitch cared about morality), his Albus Dumbledore, if you will. In other words, he teaches Tom all of the things he needs to know about how to succeed in the world (according to Squire Allworthy's own moral vision).

Tom doesn't always listen to Squire Allworthy—for example, he seems to have missed all of the squire's lessons on sexual self-control—but when he ignores Squire Allworthy's advice, it gets him into trouble. Yet, at the same time, Squire Allworthy also becomes Tom's antagonist, since it's Squire Allworthy who kicks Tom out of the house to begin his adventures on the road.

But the novel goes to great lengths to prove to us that that was all Mr. Blifil's fault and Squire Allworthy is truly sorry. Clearly, Squire Allworthy remains a model of virtue for Tom Jones, even though, honestly, he makes a lot of mistakes in judgment over the course of the book.