Mrs. Shandy Timeline and Summary


Mrs. Shandy Timeline and Summary

  • Mrs. Shandy can't keep her mind on her marital duty and asks Mr. Shandy if he's wound the clock—right before he finishes.
  • Since her last pregnancy was faker than a Glee plot, she has to give birth in the country rather than in London.
  • Mr. Shandy insists on a doctor; Mrs. Shandy insists on a midwife.
  • She spies on her husband through a keyhole. Then she spies on Mrs. Wadman and Toby through another keyhole.
  • Meanwhile, Mrs. Wadman is confiding in her.
  • While all the menfolk head off to Europe, she stays home to knit Walter a pair of breeches. We would too, if the alternative was traveling with Mr. Shandy.
  • She interrupts Obadiah's story to ask what the heck he's talking about.