Everyone in The Truth About Forever has a different idea about what makes happiness. For Macy, it's finding your forever. For Delia, it's embracing chaos and brokenness and working with it. For Monica…Donneven? Moral of the story: everyone sees happiness differently, but you know what? That's 100% okay.
Questions About Happiness
- Do you think Jason is happy? How about Monica? Why or why not?
- Why is it that Kristy is so happy, even after all she's gone through in her life?
- Is Macy really as happy at the end of the novel as she was before her dad died? Or is it a different kind of happiness?
- Will Deborah ever be able to find happiness?
Chew on This
Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.
Jason might have given up some happiness to plan for his future, but hey, he's young. We should cut him some slack.
Delia might put on a good show, but she isn't really happy. Her life is too much of a mess to be truly happy.