Venus and Adonis

Venus and Adonis

In a Nutshell

Pop quiz: think about every super dramatic love story you've ever read or seen.

Ready? What's on your list? Maybe some of these:

Now, picture all of these stories pumped up on steroids – that's what "Venus and Adonis" is like. You've got the goddess of beauty, love, and (ahem) procreation, falling desperately in love with a guy who is literally the sexiest man on earth. What could possibly be a more love-y love story? We have no idea. So, if you're into romance, here you go – Shmoop delivers it to you in a heart-shaped box.

But maybe you aren't into romance. Maybe you'd prefer that Jake wasn't healed by a magic tree and turned into a Na'vi in Avatar. Maybe you wish Edward and Bella broke it off before they had a monster baby. Well, if you like to see love thwarted, this is definitely the story for you.


Shmoop Connections

Explore the ways this myth connects with the world and with other topics on Shmoop

  • The first piece of poetry published by Shakespeare was called Venus and Adonis. We wonder if the dirty jokes helped make the poem so popular?