Laughter in the Wind
- Dan, now an unreasonably happy man, moves to San Francisco and becomes a housepainter.
- He phones Joyce and invites her to come live with him in California. She does. Dan tells her about Socrates; having dreamed of the old man, she finds the story strangely familiar. Turns out, her nickname is Joy.
- At their wedding, Dan takes out Socrates' business card and asks the teacher to visit. Nothing happens but a breeze—and then the card changes: the line Emergencies Only! is replaced with the word Happiness, the teacher's wedding gift.
- Dan laughs with delight. Socrates had never left; he was only changed, Dan realizes, into the trees, the clouds, the birds and the wind.
- Before returning to his wife, home, friends, and future, Dan surveys the world around him, and decides Socrates is here and everywhere.