Way of the Peaceful Warrior Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"So keep practicing, Dan. Refine your senses a little more each day; stretch them, as you would in the gym. Finally, your awareness will pierce deeply into your body and into the world. Then you'll think less and feel more. That way you'll enjoy even the simplest things in life—no longer addicted to achievement or expensive entertainments." (6.43)

Socrates says you don't need a reason to be happy, but don't get the old man wrong—you still have to learn stuff in order to understand that truth. In this case, Socrates advises Dan to sharpen his awareness of sensory experiences: tastes, smells, and so on. That will help him focus on the present moment and not thinking. Stop thinking!

Quote #5

"The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." (6.47)

You know what they say: It's the little things in life.

Quote #6

"You cannot attain happiness; it attains you—but only after you surrender everything else." (7.75)

Socrates is saying you can't find happiness by chasing it. You have to give up the search, and then it comes to you.