Beale Farange Timeline and Summary


Beale Farange Timeline and Summary

  • Spendthrift playboy Beale is almost as hateful as Ida when James's novel begins. He's also irresponsible, preferring parties to a meaningful profession.
  • Beale has loud parties when Maisie is in the house and then starts seeing her governess, Miss Overmore, who is soon to be Mrs. Beale.
  • Maisie and Mrs. Beale discover Beale with another woman.
  • This is the mysterious Countess, who'll be taking Beale to America. The Countess is hideous but very rich.
  • James strongly implies that it's unmanly and altogether despicable for Beale to be in this kind of relationship with an ugly sugar mama willing to bankroll his high-flying lifestyle.
  • Beale offers to bring Maisie to America with him and the Countess, but the offer isn't made in good faith, and Maisie can't bring herself to accept.
  • Beale's departure for America—and his giving up of his claim to Maisie when he does—means one more abandonment that Maisie has to suffer.