Ida Farange Timeline and Summary


Ida Farange Timeline and Summary

  • Ida spends more time on the scene earlier rather than later in James's novel, first as the parent who terrorizes Maisie most, calling her mean names and sending her with mean messages back to her father.
  • Ida hires first Miss Overmore and then Mrs. Wix as governesses.
  • Ida marries handsome stranger Sir Claude.
  • Following her marriage to Sir Claude, Ida refuses to see Maisie for a long stretch after her return to the house.
  • When Maisie meets one of Ida's new lovers, the Captain, he tries to convince Maisie that Ida is good, just misunderstood. Desperate to believe him, Maisie cries a river.
  • Later, Ida explains to Maisie that she's no longer seeing the Captain. She's unable to stay interested in one man for long.
  • Ida follows Maisie to Folkestone, where the girl and Sir Claude have stopped on their way to France. Here, she tells her daughter that she's leaving for South Africa—but only after insulting her.
  • Later, we learn that Ida has made a deal with Sir Claude, giving up her claim to Maisie. This makes her abandonment of her daughter both final and total.