What Maisie Knew Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around What Maisie Knew? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who is "she" in the following sentence: "She still had room for wonder at what Maisie knew" (XXXI.154)?

Mrs. Beale
Mrs. Wix
Ida Farange
Susan Ash
Q. Which character says the following to Maisie: "You'll never know what I've been through about you—never, never, never. I spare you everything, as I always have; though I daresay you know things that … would make me—well, no matter! You're old enough at any rate to know there are a lot of things I don't say that I easily might; though it would do me good, I assure you, to have spoken my mind for once in my life" (XXI.2)?

Ida Farange
Beale Farange
Mrs. Wix
Sir Claude
Q. Which character is given "an exam" near the end of James's novel (XXXI.80)?

Mrs. Wix
Sir Claude
Mrs. Beale
Q. Who gives the following description of Ida Farange: "She'll go through anything for any one she likes … Look here, she's true!" (XVI.32)?

Sir Claude
The Captain
Beale Farange
Q. Who calls Maisie names like "old boy" (X.7) and "my dear fellow" (XXII.4)?

Mrs. Wix
Beale Farange
Susan Ash
Sir Claude