Theme of Politics

As almost everyone knows, politics can be a divisive issue – and are best not talked about in polite company. In The Witch of Blackbird Pond, this point is proven repeatedly. The two main political factions are the Royalists who are loyal to the crown in England (such as Gersholm Bulkeley and Kit’s grandfather) and the settlers in Connecticut who wish to retain their right to self govern (best exemplified by Uncle Matthew). The colonists’ struggle to keep their charter foreshadows the oncoming American Revolution.

Questions About Politics

  1. Why does Kit consider herself loyal to the King of England? Does she change her political opinions later in the novel?  If so, why?
  2. What is Hannah’s political affiliation?
  3. Why does Uncle Matthew object to Governor Andros?
  4. Why do William Ashby's political beliefs change?
  5. What happens to the colony's charter?
  6. How does John Holbrook finally make up his mind about the politics?
  7. What is the relationship between women and politics in this novel?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Politics are a really just a bunch of hot button issues and should never be broached at the dinner table.

Governor Andros represents a tyrannical government.