How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
It did not take him long to give me children. Two sons in three years. Three good years. (1.1.15)
Anna and Sam's relationship might not be one of the great romances of their time, but the two enjoyed a happy life together. In particular, Anna was fulfilled in her role as a mother.
Quote #2
George Viccars brought laughter back into the house. (2.2.5)
George Viccars isn't just some eligible hunk to Anna—he's her best hope for a new father figure for her sons. She wants to feel like she has a real family again.
Quote #3
God [...] sets in a mother's heart such a fierce passion for her babies that I do not comprehend how He can test us so. (2.2.37)
In Anna's day, infant mortality rates were insanely high, even without taking the plague into account. It was a rough era. Although losing a child would be painful for anyone, it hits Anna particularly hard because she's such a strong maternal figure.