You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Andrea Clement White deal with all the fake love she's getting at the luncheon to celebrate her 111th major award?

She imagines how to fend off the toadying men from the college.
She thinks about the food she'd rather be eating.
She thinks of new ways to torture Mr. Hyde.
She daydreams about how to spend her money.
Q. Why is Gracie Mae Still disgusted at the reaction of Traynor's fans to his death?

She's still mad that it's her song that made him famous.
She thinks the fans are hypocritical—they didn't really know Traynor.
She thinks it's ironic—Traynor is dead because of his rock-'n'-roll lifestyle.
She's upset that she has no fans to mourn her when she dies.
Q. How does Elethia deal with her discovery that there are lots of "Uncle Alberts" in the world, including in her textbooks at college?

She decides to ignore it. Nothing to see here.
She decides to burn all effigies in museum exhibits.
She promises not to accept stereotypes of enslaved people.
She becomes a militant activist.
Q. How does Walker-as-narrator solve the problem of Luna's story?

She writes a "happy" ending in which Luna and Freddie work things out.
She reunites with Luna and gets the rest of the story from her.
She accepts that Freddie is evil and ought to have been punished.
She breaks off the story because the problem is never solved.
Q. Why does Anastasia "choose" to present herself as a white person?

She's prejudiced against Black people, even though she's biracial.
She prefers her mother, who is white.
She's tired of having to correct people about her racial identity.
She feels unsafe identifying as Black in her community.