TEKS: Chapter 110. English Language Arts and Reading See All Teacher Resources


(1) Understanding the communication process. The student demonstrates a knowledge of communication. The student is expected to:

  • (A) recognize and explain the importance of communication in social, academic, civic, and professional roles;
  • (B) identify the related components of the communication process;
  • (C) identify standards of making communication choices considering appropriateness for self, listener, occasion, and task;
  • (D) identify characteristics of oral language and analyze standards for using oral language appropriately;
  • (E) identify the importance of using appropriate nonverbal communication;
  • (F) identify and explain the components of listening process;
  • (G) identify the kinds of listening and analyze skills related to each type;
  • (H) analyze how perception of self and others affects communication;
  • (I) analyze and develop techniques and strategies for building self-confidence and reducing communication apprehension;
  • (J) identify and explain factors that influence communication decisions such as knowledge, attitudes, and culture; and
  • (K) explain the importance of assuming responsibility for communication decisions.