TEKS: Chapter 113. Social Studies See All Teacher Resources
Use appropriate reading and mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as maps and graphs
Other Standard Components
Aligned Resources
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 1: Unresolved Problems of the Modern World Lesson 10: Human Rights and Freedoms
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 5: Nationalism in the Contemporary World Lesson 10: Apartheid in South Africa
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 5: Nationalism in the Contemporary World Lesson 12: Nation Building in Mexico and Brazil
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 5: WWI: War a-Brewin' Lesson 6: The Course of the War
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 5: Nationalism in the Contemporary World Lesson 5: Case Study Israel: History of Israel
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 4: The Rise of Imperialism Lesson 6: Colonial Powers in Africa
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 1: The Russian Revolution and Stalinism Lesson 6: Lenin Leans on Russia
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 3: World War II Lesson 11: Whose Side Are You On, Anyway?
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 4: The Cold War Lesson 5: Economics 101
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 5: Nationalism in the Contemporary World Lesson 4: Geopolitical Importance of the Middle East
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 4: The Rise of Imperialism Lesson 4: Global Imperialism
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 5: WWI: War a-Brewin' Lesson 5: Selling the War
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 6: WWI: In the Trenches Lesson 10: The U.S. Role in the Peace
- Course: World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World, Unit 2: Nazi Germany Lesson 9: Early Anti-Semitism