TEKS: Chapter 113. Social Studies See All Teacher Resources


(5) History. The student understands the challenges confronted by the government and its leaders in the early years of the republic and the Age of Jackson. The student is expected to:

  • (A) describe major domestic problems faced by the leaders of the new republic such as maintaining national security, building a military, creating a stable economic system, setting up the court system, and defining the authority of the central government;
  • (B) summarize arguments regarding protective tariffs, taxation, and the banking system;
  • (C) explain the origin and development of American political parties;
  • (D) explain the causes, important events, and effects of the War of 1812;
  • (E) identify the foreign policies of presidents Washington through Monroe and explain the impact of Washington's Farewell Address and the Monroe Doctrine;
  • (F) explain the impact of the election of Andrew Jackson, including expanded suffrage; and
  • (G) analyze the reasons for the removal and resettlement of Cherokee Indians during the Jacksonian era, including the Indian Removal Act, Worcester v. Georgia, and the Trail of Tears.