20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

There are approximately thirty Amur leopards left in the wild, and maybe four hundred Sumatran tigers. Other species, like the mountain gorilla and the Sumatran orangutan, are also critically endangered.

Good thing for the animals your career isn't going anywhere.

Conservationists will definitely be around twenty years from now, using technology like GPS tags of all shapes and sizes, satellite tracking, and crittercams to keep watch over the animals that are being most affected by thoughtless or greedy human beings.

Unfortunately, the bad guys like technology, too. In 2013, a wannabe poacher attempted to hack into an email account that held information on the location of a Bengal tiger. Poachers also troll Instagram, looking for geo-tagged photos of endangered animals.

Makes you wish conservationists had a license to kill, right? But seriously, maybe you can use your powers for good to come up with a clever way to stop poachers. You've got time, given that your career field is gonna be around for the foreseeable future.