
"Missing slides? I have no idea what you're talking about." (Source)

We wouldn't count on finding too much glory in this job—or at least it won't be the kind where you feel good because people are telling you how helpful you are. 

Even when you unlock some guy's account just in time for him to finish the slides for his big presentation with the VP, if you get any gratitude at all it'll be a quick "Great! Now move, please, I have things to do." Which means, of course, that you then go back to your office, access his computer via remote desktop connection, and, after he walks away, delete every other slide in his presentation.

No, we're kidding. Sort of. Maybe it's glorious to have the ability to do it, without ever actually doing it. And hey—keeping an organization running smoothly and helping everybody get their work done well and on time ain't too shabby either.