1984 Resources

Movie or TV Productions

1984 Movie
1984, directed by Michael Radford and released in the year 1984.


Apple Computers Ad

The big, famous commercial you’ve heard SO much about.

A Passage From the Book

If you prefer listening to the book, while looking at the author himself, check this out.


"Exploring Burma through George Orwell"
NPR's Melissa Block interviews Emma Larkin, the author of Finding George Orwell in Burma. Larkin takes the listener/reader back in time and to Burma for an intriguing biographical glimpse into Orwell's days as Eric Arthur Blair and the ways in which Burma's brutal military regime inspired the government media censorship, propaganda, and "newspeak" he depicts in 1984.


1984: The Opera

The official website for the opera version of 1984. Check out information about the opera and see production photos.

"Why I Write"

In this 1946 essay, George Orwell describes his own historically-motivated journey to becoming a writer and provides four thoughtful and fun reasons why everyone should do it.

The Orwell Library

A great place to find primary sources, including the texts of Orwell's novel, essays, articles, and more.