A Man for All Seasons Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Man for All Seasons? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who does Cromwell work for at the beginning of the play?

Cardinal Wolsey
Henry VIII
Duke of Norfolk
Bill Murray
Q. What is Cromwell's official job with the King?

Making political alliances
Eliminating dissidents
Calculating budgets
We don't know
Q. What does Cromwell eye longingly while walking through the Tower?

Swords and axes
More's books
Torture equipment
The complete VHS collection of Boy Meets World
Q. How does Cromwell convince Rich to lie about More?

Giving him bunches of money
Threatening his family
Playing Justin Bieber songs repeatedly
Offering him the position of Attorney-General of Wales
Q. According to Cromwell, why is it important to take More down?

To soothe the King's guilt
To make the divorce official
To stick it to Chapuys
He just doesn't like the guy's face