A Man for All Seasons Themes

A Man for All Seasons Themes


A political system can get way complicated when it's ruled by an authoritarian leader with a big ol' crown on his head—that's what we've learned from A Man for All Seasons, at least. Following th...


Here's some advice: if you're going to get on someone's bad side, try your best not to let that person be a king. Just ask A Man for All Seasons Thomas More and his severed head if you don't believ...


In A Man for All Seasons, the one-and-only Sir (and Saint) Thomas More sticks to his principles like they were made out of super glue. It doesn't matter if his family thinks he's lost his marbles....

Rules and Order

In A Man for All Seasons, Thomas More is kind of like that kid from your elementary school who always reminded the teacher which students had been assigned detention at the end of the day. In other...


A Man for All Seasons is all about religion—just not in the way you might expect. It's not about spirituality. It's not about mysticism. It's not even really about faith. Instead, it's about the...


We sometimes have a full-on mental breakdown when choosing a pair of shoes to wear, so we don't even know what we'd do if we were in Thomas More's size elevens in A Man for All Seasons. A high-rank...


Although everyone in A Man for All Seasons thinks that Thomas More is fearless, they're so off base it's not even funny. Don't get it twisted, though: More's a brave dude. Like, as brave as a certa...


A Man for All Seasons features arrogant royals, manipulative politicians, and shady religious leaders. We're talking the Hypocrisy Olympics here, ladies and gents. Set in 16th-century England, the...