A Raisin in the Sun Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #4

I want so many things that they are driving me kind of crazy…Mama – look at me. (1.2.222)

Walter's desires are complex to the point of becoming a hazard to him. To dream big can be dangerous if one's dreams are not given a chance.

Quote #5

Honey…life don’t have to be like this. I mean sometimes people can do things so that things are better…You remember how we used to talk when Travis was born…about the way we were going to live…the kind of house…(She is stroking his head) Well, it’s all starting to slip away from us…(2.1.133)

Walter and Ruth have lost sight of their dreams, but both realize that there is hope for change. However, if they don't do something soon, things will not get better.

Quote #6

…Just tell me where you want to go to school and you’ll go. Just tell me, what it is you want to be – and you’ll be it….Whatever you want to be – Yessir! (He holds his arms open for TRAVIS) You just name it, son…(TRAVIS leaps into them) and I hand you the world! (2.2.131)

Walter wants to encourage Travis's dreams. He's willing to give his son everything he has, just as Lena is. This dedication to his son is what makes it impossible for him to give in to Lindner at the end of the play.