A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Carney liked girls better than boys. He would give a girl an extra penny if she did not shrink when he pinched her cheek. (1.15)

Would a person who honestly liked you give you money in exchange for pinching you? Seems a strange kind of like, right?

Quote #2

Neeley was ten, a year younger than Francie. But he was the boy; he handled the money. (1.20)

This quote is a reflection of the rigid gender roles of the early 1900s. Can you think of any gender roles that still exist?

Quote #3

The bride’s voice would be soft and pleading, his, rough and demanding. Then there would be a short silence. Then he would start snoring and the wife would cry piteously until nearly morning. (6.61)

Due to the way the airshaft is constructed, sound from all the apartments travels. Unfortunately, this exposes Francie to the horrifying sounds of a husband raping his wife on a regular basis. Francie tries to avoid hearing her cries by sleeping in the front room whenever possible.