A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Resources


All Things Betty Smith

Can’t get enough Betty Smith? Now you can dig into some biographical information along with descriptions of archival material located in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A trip to the UNC library would be the place to go to really get the scoop.

Can’t Make it to Her Archives in North Carolina?

This is a dissertation written by Carol Siri Johnson all about Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and some of Smith's other works. She also discusses how the novel fits into the bigger literary picture, too.

Urban Trees vs Rural Trees

If you have one tree growing in Brooklyn and another tree growing in the country, which is going to win?

Where is Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York anyway?

It’s right about here.


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

This is an Oscar award winning 1945 film. It was directed by Elia Kazan and starred Peggy Ann Garner as Francie, who many considered to be the best child actor of the time.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

The 1974 made-for-TV movie is sometimes said to be a bit more loyal to the book, but it is not as critically acclaimed as the 1945 film. Also, it’s a lower budget version.


Here’s Johnny (Singing… Of Course)

In this clip from the 1945 film, Johnny Nolan (played by James Dunn, whose performance in this film earned him the Oscar for best supporting actor) sings “Annie Laurie.”

Francie Meets McShane

In this clip from the 1945 film, notice how the way they shoot Francie and McShane’s eyes. This helps foreshadow that they will meet again sometime. The clip also shows Mama and Francie having a tough time at school.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn in 60 seconds

Looking for a super condensed way to summarize the novel? Here you go.


I Want to Hear it, too!

Is reading the book not enough for you? Perhaps you want to hear it in the car, too? Or maybe you could read along with it. Shmoop likes that, too.


The Tree that Grows in Brooklyn

The view from Francie’s fire escape, perhaps?

They Can Grow Other Places, too

Here’s a great big one growing in Germany.

Betty Smith, Herself

So, what do you think? Does she look like a grown up Francie to you?

Original Book Cover Art

This is the cover of the first edition of the novel.

Movie Image

This is the cover on the 1945 film

Francie and Johnny

This pic pretty much sums up their relationship

Francie, Neeley, and Brooklyn

Here’s a look at what they could see from the rooftop.