

Character Role Analysis

Mary Frances Nolan a.k.a. Francie

Francie is the main focus of this novel, and both the first character we meet and the one who ends the novel. While we learn plenty about other characters in between, it's Francie who gets the most attention throughout.

Francie is a really sharp observer—nothing gets by this girl. If you have a secret, she will figure it out before long, which means she could totally figure out who you have a crush on. Don't worry, though—she's an outcast, so she probably won't tell anyone. It's this outsider status though—both at school and within her family—that just might help hone her observation skills. Francie is often in a position to watch instead of participating directly.

Which is lucky for us since it makes her a fabulous storyteller.

Francie becomes like a filter for how we see all the characters in the novel, and since she doesn’t judge any of them as good or bad, we find her to be a pretty reliable and tolerant source of information.