Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Death Quotes

... wish I could but vanish from this earth, for there is no love left in it. She has been taken from me, and with her, all hope of a... (Introduction.55)

Fate and Free Will Quotes

Somewhere in the middle of getting married, surviving a car accident, having a baby, abandoning my novel, starting and abandoning half a dozen others, having another baby, and trying to stay on top...

Strength and Skill Quotes

As I read them, I saw the author's penmanship evolve from the overcautious script of a child to the tightly packed scribbling of a young man. (Introduction.7)

Memory and the Past Quotes

Somewhere that man was still speaking. Colonists... hope... Selma. (Introduction.6)

Visions of America Quotes

Rhinebeck is one of those upstate towns that time forgot. A town where family-owned shops and familiar faces line the streets, and the oldest inn in America (where, as any townie will proudly tell...

Slavery Quotes

It's worth noting that killing a slave was not considered murder, no matter the circumstances. It was merely "destruction of property." (1.16)

Politics Quotes

It is the eternal struggle between these two principles—right and wrong—throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and will ever...

Duty Quotes

Most of these were so-called honor killings, such as duels or family squabbles. In most cases, no charges were brought. The laws of the early nineteenth century were vague and, with no regular poli...

Sadness Quotes

My struggles with depression. The times I thought about running away. The times I thought about killing myself. (Introduction.29)