Absalom, Absalom! Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Even the two negresses which he [Mr. Coldfield] had freed as soon as he came into possession of them (through a debt, by the way, not purchase), writing out their papers of freedom which they could not read and putting them on a weekly wage […]. (3.18)

Finally, a guy with some sense. Mr. Coldfield is one of the few righteous individuals in the community. He doesn't want to own slaves and because of slavery, he refuses to fight for the South in the Civil War.

Quote #5

[…] a row of faces like a bazaar of flowers, the supreme apotheosis of chattelry, of human flesh bred of the two races for that sale […]. (4.11)

Ick. Henry's visit to the brothel in New Orleans is a surreal experience. Women there are kept like beautiful flowers, bred and groomed to please men.

Quote #6

But let flesh touch with flesh, and watch the fall of all the eggshell shibboleth of caste and color too. Yes, I stopped dead – no negro's hand, but bitted bridle-curb to check and guide the furious and unbending will […]. (5.5)

Miss Rosa recalls her dramatic visit to Sutpen's Hundred after Henry shot Charles Bon. When Clytie tries to stop her from going upstairs, Miss Rosa pushes her away, explaining to Quentin that she would never allow a black woman to touch her. It's pretty clear that racism exists long after slavery is abolished. After all, it sadly even still exists today.