The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations for the text follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph); for art and illustrations: (Chapter.Illustration)

Quote #7

"Oh, yes, we are. Weird people still get banished."

"You mean weird people like me," I said.

"And me," Gordy said.

"All right, then," I said. "So we have a tribe of two."

I had the sudden urge to hug Gordy, and he had the sudden urge to prevent me from hugging him.

"Don't get sentimental," he said.

Yep, even the weird boys are afraid of their emotions. (18.29-18.32)

Gordy and Arnold discover that they are both outcasts, so they decide to declare themselves a tribe of two bookworm weirdoes. (Aww.) What tribes do you belong to? Who is in your tribe?

Quote #8

Instead, it was Gordy who defended me.

He stood with his textbook and dropped it.


He looked so strong. He looked like a warrior. He was protecting me like Rowdy used to protect me. Of course, Rowdy would have thrown the book at the teacher and then punched her.

Gordy showed a lot of courage in standing up to a teacher like that. And his courage inspired the others.

Penelope stood and dropped her textbook.

And then Roger stood and dropped his textbook.


And then the other basketball players did the same. (24.47-24.55)

Arnold's friends in Reardan defend him from the teacher Mrs. Jeremy, who complains that Arnold has been missing too much school. Arnold, of course, hasn't been playing hooky. He's been attending funerals.

Quote #9

"I'm not nomadic," Rowdy said. "Hardly anybody on this rez is nomadic. Except for you. You're the nomadic one."


"No, I'm serious. I always knew you were going to leave. I always knew you were going to leave us behind and travel the world. I had this dream about you a few months ago. You were standing on the Great Wall of China. You looked happy. And I was happy for you." (30.182-30.184)

Arnold and Rowdy reconcile as Rowdy has come to terms with Arnold's decision to leave the reservation. It means so much to Arnold that Rowdy can accept Arnold's dreams – and even be happy for him. Why, though, does Rowdy call Arnold a "nomad"?