Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #4

Nick: I married her because she was pregnant. […] It was a hysterical pregnancy. She blew up, and then she went down. (1.49-1.51)

It's interesting that Nick and Honey also had an imaginary child. There is, however, a major difference between the two: Honey and Nick's imaginary child, unlike George and Martha's, was never "born."

Quote #5

Martha: Georgie boy had lots of big ambitions. In spite of something funny in his past. […] Which Georgie boy here turned into […] A novel all about a naught boy child […] who killed his mother and father dead. […]
George: STOP IT, MARTHA! (2.448-2.462)

We wonder what part of George's novel was true and what part was illusion?

Quote #6

George: Martha didn't tell us all about by my second novel. […] this nice young couple comes out of the Middle West, and he's blond and about thirty […] his mouse is a wifey little type who gargles brandy all time (2.520-2.522)

It's interesting that George exposes the truth of Nick and Honey's relationship, by imagining a fictional work of fiction. In a way he's using the illusion of an illusion to strip away all illusion.