Airborn Themes

Airborn Themes

Daddy Issues

Don't let the cutesie wording of our first theme fool you; having problems with your parents is one of the main issues underlying our entire story. Matt is working aboard the Aurora to provide for...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

Hopes and dreams play a huge role in Airborn because they are the way that Matt chooses to cope with the tragic death of his father. Instead of being really sad for a while and then moving on like...

Society and Class

Although Airborn isn't exactly Titanic (the movie, not the boat), it does have a similar story line in the sense that it involves a poor kid who falls for a very wealthy young lady. And they're bot...


Airborn is the story of two ambitious kids just trying their darndest to achieve their dreams. Matt comes from nothing, but believes that with a ton of hard work he can someday become the captain...

Women and Femininity

Feminism is a loaded term these days, and it means different things to different people. To our Kate in Airborn, it means that the societal norms that dictate different rules and standards for wome...


Jealousy is a tough emotion. It's often something that you can't help feeling, and even when you don't want to resent someone else for what they have jealous thoughts just find a way to sneak into...

The Home

Airborn spends a lot of time defining what home means to Matt, and how it changes throughout the course of his adventures. A home isn't necessarily always a concrete idea—it can refer to any plac...


Sometimes exploration refers to a metaphorical journey on which characters embark to find themselves. In Airborn though, we are looking at a more literal definition of the term. After being shipwre...