Airplane! Absurdity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Airplane!.

Quote #4

TED: But enough about me. I hope this hasn't been boring for you.

Ted's story sets off a totally absurd running gag of suicidal seatmates, from seppuku-committing WWII-era Japanese generals, to self-immolating South Asians. They couldn't bear to hear one more second of Ted's war stories.

Quote #5

CAPTAIN OVEUR: Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

One of the movie's more suggestive gags, actor Peter Graves executes this running joke in perfect deadpan, highlighting the absurdity of the situation—a boy visiting the cockpit. It's sure not the friendly banter you expect when you take your son to see the pilot in person.

Quote #6

TED: And that, as much as anything else, led to my drinking problem.

Another of Airplane!'s best visual gags, and most quotable lines, reframing the concept of the "drinking problem" quite literally in absurdist fashion. He can't get the drink to his mouth or even anywhere near it.