Algebraic Expressions Topics

Algebraic Expressions explanations, examples, practice problems. Ready? Let's do this.


A variable is a letter, like x or y, that represents an unknown number. Another way of thinking about it is that a variable is "code" for a number. Mathematicians can spend hours at a party talk...

Expressions and Equations

In the English language, we've got phrases and we've got sentences. A phrase is a string of words that expresses a thought but doesn't form a complete sentence. A sentence is a grammatically corr...

Combining Like Terms

You probably don't keep bananas in your sock drawer or toothpaste on your bookshelf. If you do, we can recommend a good therapist. Aside from it being an awful hassle to run from the bookshelf t...

Equations, Functions, and Formulas

What are these expression things good for, anyway? You can't have equations and formulas without them. Without equations and formulas, the whole world pretty much falls apart. Read on, dear Shmoope...

Toolbox Applications

Why did we create this toolbox of ways to rearrange expressions into equivalent expressions? Seems pointless, doesn't it? Rest assured, there is a point. Here it is:If you have two expres...

Geometric Formulas

Formulas wouldn't tell us squat if we couldn't turn around and apply them to situations in the real world. Fortunately, we can do just that. Formulas can help us figure out how to deal with, pla...

Unit Conversion

Here's a video to showcase unit conversion in action. Okay, now how do you use all this newfound knowledge to do something practical? There are a bazillion ways (estimated) to use formulas, bu...

In the Real World

I Like Practical Stuff; Why Should I Care?Hey, we like practical stuff, too! The great thing is that all of these formulas can be applied to real-world situations. That's good news if you live in t...