All the Pretty Horses True or False

1. "If it wasnt for this man I wouldnt be here at all. I'd of left [you] back up in that arroyo. No, I take that back. I'd of left you up on the Pescos." -> John Grady
2. "I need to find out who the horse belongs to. It's gotten to be like a millstone around my neck." -> John Grady
3. "My father is buried less than two hundred meters from where we now sit. I walk out there often and I talk to him. I talk to him as I could never do in life. He made me an exile in my own country. It was never his intention to do so. When I was born in this house it was already filled with books in five languages and since I knew that as a woman the world would be largely denied me I seized upon this other world." -> Alfonsa
4. "You have the opportunity to tell the truth here. Here. In three days you will go to Saltillo and then you will not have this opportunity. It will be gone. Then the truth will be in other hands. You see. We can make the truth here. Or we can lose it." -> Don Héctor
5. "You could of tried to help me out. Could of put in a good word for me. Wouldnt of cost you nothing." -> John Grady
