All's Well That Ends Well Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

It hath happened all as I would have had it,
save that he comes not along with her. (3.2.1-2)

The countess all but admits that she's the kind of mom who meddles in her kid's business. She planned all along for Bertram to marry Helen, even though that's not what her son wants. 

Quote #8


I have sent you a daughter-in-law.
She hath recovered the King and undone me. I have
wedded her, not bedded her, and sworn to make the
'not' eternal. You shall hear I am run away. Know it
before the report come. If there be breadth enough in
the world, I will hold a long distance. My duty to
        Your unfortunate son,
                                                                            Bertram (3.2.19-27)

Here, the countess reads Bertram's letter about why he has run away. After being forced to marry Helen against his will, Bertram tells his mom that he has sent her a "daughter-in-law." Bertram is bitter that his mom is happier about his marriage than he is. Yet, at the same time, Bertram also seems torn between his "duty" to please his mom and his desire to please himself. 

Quote #9

Dispatch the most convenient messenger.
When haply he shall hear that she is gone,
He will return; and hope I may that she,
Hearing so much, will speed her foot again,
Led hither by pure love. Which of them both
Is dearest to me, (3.4.36-41)

The countess of Roussillon just can't help herself. Here, she continues to butt into her son's business. Does this make her a bad mom? Read our "Character Analysis" of the countess for more on this.