Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Chapter 3 Summary

October: Tainted Love

  • Georgia hears that Peter Dryer gives kissing lessons, so she goes to his house for a lesson. She's sort of begrudging about it, but it's not like anyone makes her or anything, so…
  • After their smooch session, she decides she's officially a woman now. Wait, the bra wasn't enough?
  • During her encounter with Peter, they lay on his bed together and practice a few techniques until an alarm went off, indicating that the lesson was over.
  • Georgia is very excited about the party, despite the fact that Robbie isn't even going.
  • At the party, Peter takes Georgia outside and starts kissing her. When they hear a car door slam, though, Georgia steps away from Peter—and then she trips on a branch.
  • And guess who slammed that car door? Yup, it was Robbie. But he wasn't getting out of his car alone; nope, Lindsay is with him.
  • Georgia realizes her skirt is up and her knickers are showing. Um, embarrassing. Robbie leaves without saying anything to her, and Georgia decides he's a jerk, which we're thinking is a pretty accurate assessment right about now.
  • Peter phones Georgia and asks her out on a date.
  • Jas writes Georgia a letter about Tom, and Georgia decides Jas has been annoying ever since the party.
  • Levitation gets banned at school because the headmistress got wind of it and this ain't Hogwarts.
  • Georgia sees Lindsay, the girl who's dating Robbie, walking to class. In the privacy of her own diary, Georgia rips Lindsay's appearance from head to toe.
  • In an added sign of maturity, Georgia gets Jas to break up with Peter for her. When Jas does this, though, she tells Peter that Georgia's a lesbian, a rumor that promptly spreads around school.
  • Tom asks Jas to go with him to watch Robbie's band, the Stiff Dylans.
  • Jas has a great time on her date. Apparently, Robbie is a great singer, and Lindsay is nice. Georgia's hating on them right now, though, so she sees Jas's positivity as disloyal.
  • Georgia and some of her classmates make silly faces in a school photo and are forced to pick up litter as punishment.