What’s Up With the Title?

Seeing that Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging is a bit of a list, let's take it step by step. First, a breakdown of key terms:

  • Angus is Georgia's crazy cat, a beast of a creature without whom Robbie and Georgia would never get together. He's also a symbol, so be sure to swing by the "Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory" section to dig deeper into this furball. 
  • As for thongs, undergarments are important in this book. If you wear a bra, you're a woman; knickers are accidentally shown; and while spying on Lindsay, Georgia and Jas see her wearing a thong (9.857), a garment that Georgia just cannot wrap her hear around wearing. 
  • Snogging is kissing, and full-frontal making out is the most risqué kind of kissing ever invented.

At its heart, this book is about Georgia growing up and the title is a representation of that. Thongs and kissing are new turf for Georgia. She's only fourteen, and as such, is both endlessly confused and wildly intrigued by all things adult (like make-out sessions and underwear that feels like a perma-wedgie). Symbolically, Angus represents (among other things) the chaos of growing up. Taken all together, the title is a shout-out to the wild and wacky journey Georgia's on.