The Art of Racing in the Rain Chapter 11-15 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Back in the present, Enzo is stuck at home, alone, for three days.
  • Enzo takes stock of his situation and his supplies and prepares to fast for however long he is left alone, rationing the toilet water for hydration.
  • Indiana Jones would be proud.
  • On the second day, Enzo hallucinates that Zoë's zebra, one that her grandparents bought her, is dancing around her room, menacing her other toys, and then tearing itself apart.
  • Enzo also claims that while he's out of the room, the zebra also destroys all of Zoë's other toys, too.
  • Sure, that sounds legit to us, maybe.
  • Denny, Eve, and Zoë return home to see the carnage, and the overall mood of the reunion is disappointment, fear, and blame.
  • Denny actually hits Enzo, his anger is so all-consuming.
  • Whoa, dude. Not cool.
  • Besides, it was the zebra all along; Enzo was framed.
  • And unrelated but also related, Eve is miraculously better…how?
  • Once everyone calms down and Denny apologizes for hitting Enzo like a jerk, Denny shares a bit of good news about racing with Enzo. They have a cute moment of perfect understanding on the porch.
  • Denny actually tells Enzo that it's like the dog can understand him.
  • Well, of course he can, Denny. He's telling us all about your life. Duh.
  • Enzo assesses Eve's declining health with a scrupulous and intuitive eye.
  • Whatever's wrong with Eve, it's something none of them can control, and Eve will not go to a doctor or seek out what she considers Band-Aid solutions to her pain.
  • Enzo can't tell us more than he knows, because he didn't get his M.D. yet.
  • Denny and Eve try to reconnect emotionally and physically after months of Eve's illness, but it doesn't have the same emotional truth to it.
  • On another note, Enzo dreams of crows.
  • Because that doesn't sound like a scary segue at all.
  • On the heels of his dream about crows, Enzo reveals his dislike of crows.
  • This dislike stems from his belief that they are arrogant and angry and mocking, and when you're around them you want to kill them.
  • First monkeys, then (stuffed) zebras, now crows. What's next?
  • Apparently, crows also have a vendetta against Enzo, ever since the incident when they carried off a baggie filled with his poop, thinking it was free groceries.
  • We'd be upset, too, if we thought we were opening a bag of cookies and got something gross instead.
  • Enzo tells us that a group of crows is called a "murder", which can only speak of ominous things to come.
  • No one would want to call a group of crows "a snuggle," after all.
  • Denny prepares himself for another racing competition, and Enzo feels left out that he wasn't told about Denny's plans.
  • Maybe Enzo was too busy hating on monkeys and crows to notice?
  • While Denny is gone, Eve, Enzo, and Zoë watch his races on television, and when he returns one night, a quiet family gathering turns into a giant debacle. The sequence of events is as follows:
  • Zoë won't eat her chicken nuggets during dinner.
  • Eve tries to make Zoë eat her dinner. She thinks her Zoë is just acting up because Denny is back.
  • Denny won't take Eve's side and insists that they cook Zoë something else.
  • Eve won't make Zoë a hot dog.
  • Zoë has a tantrum.
  • Eve has a tantrum and goes into the kitchen, where she cuts her hand and again refuses hospital treatment even though she probably needs stitches.
  • Yeah…things could have gone better.
  • Also, Eve, seriously? Just go to the doctor already.
  • Enzo provides a detailed introduction to Eve's parents, Maxwell and Trish, otherwise known as the Twins.
  • They're not really twins, but they do dress alike. Maybe they have lifetime coupons to Banana Republic?
  • As far as parents go, and as far as "twins" go, these two not quite the twins from The Shining, but they could be.
  • Maxwell begins a tirade against Denny. Enzo takes this as a personal affront.
  • Maxwell gives Enzo a hot pepper that makes him feel sick, further showcasing the Twins' propensity for evil.
  • Enzo decides from that moment on that he won't take food from people he doesn't trust.
  • Good call, buddy.