The Art of Racing in the Rain Characters

Meet the Cast


Top DogFunny, loyal, protective, and smart—Enzo is everything we could want in a main character. If he were a human, he would definitely be that dimpled, bright-eyed, grinning best friend who sla...

Dennis (Denny) Swift

Is His Last Name a Pun?We're legitimately curious. He is a racer, after all.To some extent, Denny represents the everyman. He's the average guy who has a job at a local business and raises an avera...

Eve Swift

We don't know Eve's last name. Why? Because Enzo doesn't know it, and he's our only source of information.Like Denny, we don't meet Eve until she's a fully-fledged and independent woman stumbling i...

Zoë Swift

The Child, the Catalyst, the Zebra OwnerAs Eve and Denny's daughter, Zoë pops into the world with a furry brother by her side, a brother who admits to helping deliver her even if all he really did...

Maxwell and Trish

Marriage Makes the Heart Grow Colder…and More Evil?No, Maxwell and Trish aren't really twins, but Enzo likes to think they are, since they always dress alike, and, after being married for so long...


Sorceress, Witch, Temptress, Inflicter of WoundsIf there's one person Enzo actively dislikes, it's Annika, mostly because of what the repercussions of her actions are for Denny. When we first meet...

Mike and Tony

The Power CoupleIs it biased to say that Mike and Tony are awesome? Because they are. Sure, they stand on the periphery of Denny's life, but when they're in the plot, they're awesome. Mike, a cowor...

Luca Pantoni

The Fairy GodfatherEven though Luca Pantoni's role in the book is brief, it's important: this guy is literally a lifesaver.At first, his inclusion in the story seems like a throwaway. He comes over...

Denny's Parents

Do They Even Have Names?The world may never know. Add it to the list of unsolvable mysteries, like how many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop.Denny's parents don't seem like th...

Mark Fein and Mr. Lawrence

Mark Fein and Mr. Lawrence are the two lawyers who help Denny with his cases. As personalities go, the two could not be more different. Mark Fein is loud and blustering and bombastic, while Lawrenc...