Artemis and Actaeon Resources


Edith Wharton: Myth Master

The author of Ethan Frome penned a poem called "Artemis and Actaeon." It's packed to the brim with unrequited love!

In Color

The National Gallery has all the deets on Titian's famous rendering of the Artemis and Actaeon story.


Caught In the Act

We're digging this hyper-dramatic modern retelling of the myth. A very cool stop-motion technique for your enjoyment.

A Dash of Sass

Conquest! A rockin' song and sepia tones give this funny, tongue-in-cheek adaptation a bit of edge.

Your Own Private Art Tour

David Brenneman, Director of Collections and Exhibitions at the High Museum, gives a delightful video analysis of Titan's famous Diana and Actaeon painting.