Bartleby the Scrivener Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Why, how now? What next?' exclaimed I, "do no more writing?"

"No more."

"And what is the reason?"

"Do you not see the reason for yourself?" he indifferently replied. (70)

Bartleby's justification for his decision to stop working is something that he finds apparent, even though his employer does not; honestly, we're with the Narrator here in not quite being sure about what the scrivener means.

Quote #5

[Narrator:] "The time has come; you must quit this place; I am sorry for you; here is money; but you must go."

"I would prefer not," [Bartleby] replied, with his back still towards me.

"You must."

He remained silent. (76-77)

It's pretty clear from this interaction (and all those previous) that Bartleby's choices are not governed by anything but himself, even external force.

Quote #6

[Bartleby:] "I would not like it at all; though, as I said before, I am not particular." (114)

This new addition, "I am not particular," is one of Bartleby's strangest pronouncements yet. By claiming that he's not picky, does he mean to say that he hasn't been making negative decisions all along, and has simply been hanging out, waiting for the right thing to come along – the thing he would "prefer" to do? That's kind of what it looks like.