The Big Sleep Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I heard a sharp cough. Then a violent retching. There was a small thud on the floor, as if a thick glass had fallen. My fingers curled against my raincoat. (26.47)

Harry's death is the most tragic in the novel since he died protecting Agnes. It's also the only death where the victim is killed by deception (rather than a bullet). Instead of being shot to death like Geiger and Brody, Harry is tricked into sharing a drink with Canino. But the drink is poisoned. Check out the pacing of the sentences and the way the suspense is built up. Marlowe hears a series of disturbing noises: coughing, retching, thud, glass shattering. All culminating in the image of Marlowe's clenched fingers. That sent chills down our spines, how bout you?

Quote #8

Perhaps it would have been nice to allow him another shot or two, just like a gentleman of the old school. But his gun was still up and I couldn't wait any longer. Not long enough to be a gentleman of the old school. I shot him four times. (29.17)

In this scene, Marlowe wants to do the honorable thing and give Canino a few more seconds to turn around before shooting him. But he realizes that he can't afford to be like a gentleman or knight of olden days. Modern society no longer observes rules of chivalry, so Marlowe knows that it's kill or be killed.

Quote #9

She said bitterly: "Did you have to kill him?"

I stopped laughing as suddenly as I had started. She went behind me and unlocked the handcuffs.

"Yes," she said softly. "I suppose you did." (29.22-24)

Mona's one of the few characters other than Marlowe who seems to be not a terrible person. She not only remains faithful to her husband, but expresses bitterness when she sees death. Mona didn't even like Canino (she tricked Canino into shooting at the wrong target to enable Marlowe to escape). But Mona still wishes that Marlowe didn't have to kill Canino, which means it's also a moment of moral ambiguity for our guy. It's possible he could have gotten out of this situation without killing Canino, and that makes (and him) question his decision.