Big Sur Resources

Movie or TV Productions

One Fast Move or I'm Gone: Kerouac's Big Sur, 2008
A documentary based on what really went down that weekend at Monsanto's cabin.


Ginsberg on Jack Kerouac

Poet Allen Ginsberg talks about the death of Jack Kerouac.


An interview with Jan Kerouac, Jack's only child.


Neal Cassady, a.k.a. Cody Pomeray

The Holy Goof

Jack Kerouac, a.k.a. Jack Duluoz

In his sailing days

Lew Welch, a.k.a. Dave Wain

The beat poet

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, a.k.a. Lorenzo Monsanto

And his City Lights Bookstore

Philip Whalen, a.k.a. Ben Fagan

Showing off his portrait, courtesy of Michael McClure (a.k.a. Patrick McLear)

Lenore Kandel, a.k.a. Romana Swartz

Kerouac's friend from his On the Road days, who is famous as a writer in her own right.

Carolyn Cassady, a.k.a. Evelyn Pomeray

Neal Cassady's wife at the time of Big Sur.

Michael McClure, a.k.a. Patrick McLear

As immortalized in the National Portrait Gallery.

City Lights Bookstore

Still open in San Francisco at 261 Columbus Avenue at Broadway.

The Bridge That Terrified Jack

"A thousand unbridgeable heights above."


Not-to-be-missed Reference Source
Lists the real-life names of Jack and Co. along with their fictional alter-egos in Kerouac's various texts. Some biographical info included. Organized both by book and by individual.


"Without Missing a Beat"

John Cassady, Neal's son, remembers his dad and Jack Kerouac.

Official Page of City Lights Bookstore

Ferlinghetti sightings not guaranteed.

"One Fast Move or I'm Gone"

The homepage for the 2008 documentary on Kerouac's experience in Big Sur.